Monday, November 6, 2023

Stress Relief 101 - 10 Go To Tips and tricks to relieve stres as a college student

Stress Relief 101 - Go To Tips and Tricks to relieve stress as a college student

Are you a stressed college student? Do you struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle in a busy world? If you said yes to any of these, this blog is for you. As a current college student, I understand all of the stress, anxiety, and depression that can occur. But the most challenging part is figuring out how to overcome it. That's why I've created a list of my top ten go-to practices, tricks, and habits to relieve my stress in college. Some may work for you, and some may not; it can't hurt to try them out. 

1. Sleep, sleep, sleep! 

    When I have a restless night, I know the next morning is going to be a stressful one. Our bodies depend on sleep, especially with busy school and social schedules. I’ve always had trouble sleeping, and then my mom introduced me to a weighted blanket.YnM-Weighted-Blanket. It instantly puts me out, and I’ve gotten all of my friends hooked. If a weighted blanket is too much for you, try a weighted eye mask!! Nodpod Sleep Mask. You’ll look just like breakfast at Tiffany, and you’ll be ready to conquer the day.  

2. Self-care for self-love


2. Love yourself

    After a long weekend, the last thing I want to do is put on a face mask, take a long hot shower, and clean my room. But every time I do those things, a weight gets lifted off my shoulders. Sometimes, the most minor tasks can be the hardest to accomplish but are the easiest. Sundays are my Sunday resets; I try to do at least one nice thing for myself, like a face mask or gua sha, and drink tons of water. Taking 5 to 10 minutes off your Sunday to tidy up your dorm room is a simple fix. Gua Sha for Beginners 

3. Balanced Diet


3. Balanced Diet

    As much as I love a late-night snack on Friday nights, I regret the bowl of pasta. I won’t lie; I do it on occasion, and it’s healthy to eat what you crave (sometimes), but I find it’s essential to have a balanced and realistic college diet. I’m not saying go on a no-carb diet, but have a salad here and there, and get in your high protein with protein shakes. If you start implementing healthier options in your diet, you will feel less stressed because your body is nourished, your skin won’t break out, and you probably will sleep better without all the greasy food. Bloom Nutrition Greens 

4. Workout warrior 

    Working out is one of the most frustrating and rewarding tasks, and it can feel impossible to keep up at times. But working out doesn’t mean running a 5k and deadlifting 150 pounds; it means going on a hot girl walk with your Stanley. Hop on a peloton bike and jam to some music. Once again, it doesn’t have to be a big deal; the little things go a long way. Peloton-student discount

5. Meditation 

    I’ve always been opposed to meditation as I think it’s boring and ineffective. However, a wise doctor told me to try and sit still for 5 minutes with no movements and no thoughts… impossible, right?? I knew I couldn’t do it alone, so I found Headspace. I use it when I’m having an anxiety attack when I’m restless in bed, or just when I need a break from the world. Meditation is not for everyone, but I dare you to try it out.

6. Tunes 

    If I’m stressed, anxious, happy, sad, or getting ready to go out, I am always listening to music- music is my sanctuary. There are many different music platforms, like Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud, and YouTube, so listen to whatever floats your boat. I’m constantly sharing and getting playlists from my friends that help me in my time of need. Music calms the soul and brings you back to a state where you can concentrate or escape a funk. It’s not a permanent solution, but it eases the pain.

7. Pen & paper 

    This one is a hit or miss for most, but it helps me when I’m in a funk and can’t get out: Journaling. When I can’t speak about my problems and I’m stuck, I go to pen and paper and jot down all my anxious feelings. Whether a fight with a friend or a to-do list, it helps me physically see what I need to do next. Do It For Yourself (Guided Journal)

8. Squishmallows 

    Even though I am a fully grown college student, I still have my stuffed animals and squishmallows. There’s no better way to describe it than a cuddle buddy. When I miss my family or loved ones, when I’m anxious, I can always turn to my stuffed animals because they comfort me. So find a beloved childhood item or borrow your friends and give it a good squeeze. I promise your heart rate will go down. Squishmallows 16''

9. DIY Massage 

9. DIY Massage   

    Don’t we all wish we had the money to get a professional massage? I know I do, so I found a solution. It’s a throwback to kindergarten, but those scalp-scratching devices have been my saving grace, especially during finals week (a.k.a. migraine season). Take 5 minutes before bed or before a big test and massage your head. I promise you your whole body, mind, and being will chill out. USAGA Head Massager Scalp  

10. Vitamins 

    My mom was the definition of a vitamin mom, and needless to say, I’m becoming one too. No matter how healthy we eat or are, we need vitamins. When you are feeling a sickness coming on, stressed, or just not feeling yourself, it usually means something internal is going on. So this is your reminder: “Did you take your vitamins, sweetie?”

I know this won’t solve all your problems but it will ease the pain for a moment or two. I’m not saying if you do this it will cure all the world’s problems, but it will make your day a little easier. Be brave and try out a few of my go-to stress relieving tips and tricks. You’ll thank me later. Things will happen and life is stressful so when shit hits the fan try one of these stress relievers. 

Stress Relief, Self Care, College

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Blog Post #8: Invasion of Privacy

Invasion Of Privacy 

    Facebook’s Invasion of Privacy as Biaz Model demonstrates how companies “steal” our information to make a profit. In the contract of adhesion, which is the contract you scroll past when you download an app, says they have the right to take any information as their own. “This contract can be changed at any time without notice”, “all information and materials you post will belong to facebook”, “facebook has the right to use your photos however they want”.  I myself am guilty of reading over the fine print, however this is the first step in protecting ourselves from invasion of privacy. All we have to do is take 1 minute to read before we download. 

    Juan Enriquez's’ TED talk “Your online life, permanent as a tattoo” goes into the detail of how we are all careless with technology and it comes with consequences: these consequences are known as electronic tattoo’s. With this advanced technological era we live in, it’s really hard to hide from our electronic tattoos which are rooted in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Gmail, even tax statement apps. Juan made an enlightening yet horrifying statement: “These tattoos will live far longer than our bodies will.” (3:08-3:120) This is a scary reality that once we post there is no going back. So to protect ourselves from this invasion of privacy, we should think long and hard before we post.  

The electronic tattoo affects me and my brother the most in comparison to my parents as we have a longer and more dense electronic footprint. It affects me when I'm applying for a job or applying to a school because everyone has access to my data. I am guilty of sharing my email too much on websites, we are all guilty of having a dense electronic footprint. Juan did a fantastic job of demonstrating that we don’t even realize the impact of our digital footprint. We have become too comfortable with the internet. 

    In Catherine Crump’s TED Talk “The small & surprisingly dangerous detail the police track about you”, she describes the NSA and Police’s work in invading our privacy through surveillance cameras on the streets. With our advanced technology the NSA can track everywhere we go, from school to our therapists even to our church. You would hope that the government would put an end to this, as this is breaking every privacy law, however the government is the one who's running it. In a situation like this, I don’t think there is anything we can do to protect ourselves. There are tracking devices in every piece of technology we own. I don’t know how to get “off the grid” from the powers of the NSA. This issue affects everyone I know, everyone I love.  


Final Blog Post: How Technology has shaped our lives

 How technology has shaped our lives 

    Technology is one of the most fascinating, ever changing and dependent aspects of our lives. Technology first started as a typewriter, then the first television, to the first computer: minimal and foreign creations. In today’s world however, our entire lives revolve around technology with our advanced computers, robots who perform surgeries, to talking activated speakers. Technology is constantly changing and we are changing with it. 
    Incredible technology comes with consequences: mainly from the misuse of technology by the users, not by the technology itself. This is also known as cyberbullying which has killed thousands worldwide. “Between 2000 and 2007, the suicide rate among youth ages 10 to 24 hovered around 6.8 deaths per 100,000 people. Then, the rate curved upward, reaching a rate of 10.6 deaths per 100,000 by 2017 — a 56-percent increase in less than two decades.” (Youth Suicide rates are on the rise in the U.S  Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, never thought that his platform would lead to young suicide deaths, he just wanted to find a way for college students to connect. Technology has taken over our world in numerous good and bad ways. Now let’s get into the human relationship with technology. 

    My personal relationship with technology has changed drastically over the years, to my first blackberry flip phone, to my current technological state: iPhone, Apple computer, Remarkable notebook, AirPods, Apple Watch and much more. I love my phone but realize at times that I spend too much time on TikTok or Snapchat instead of living in the moment with my friends, family and nature. 

    It can be quite difficult to distance yourself from technology when your “whole life” is on your phone. This is the unhealthy side of technology: young kids being so addicted to their screens that they are missing out on life’s best moments, caught up in social media drama all resulting in medical problems like bad eyesight and headaches. However, I am old enough to realize that I need to break these unhealthy habits, I know the warning sides and the dangers. 
    In terms of social media informing versus misleading, once again it goes both ways: sometimes I learn a lot while scrolling and then other times I’m confused on what’s real versus fake news. Twitter is one of the most misleading yet informing platforms as there is a mix of real versus fake reporters: sometimes it’s hard to tell who's telling the truth. I’ve heard fake news stories about celebrities, to fake news about political leaders, Presidents and even the Pope: News: Separating Truth from Fiction

    I always like to fact check my sources before believing a breaking news story however, sometimes I get caught up in fake news. Being gullible to fake news and misleading is especially apparent in young teens and adults who are just starting to understand how technology and news works. We are vulnerable on the internet, technology takes advantage of us. I don’t even want to think about what my kids' technology world will look like. Social media is a powerful source, and we should be worried. 

Amongst the terror of social media comes the brilliant connections, small business growth and reconnection with long lost family or friends. Social media’s connections are endless: you can meet new people, find new jobs, market yourself and your business and even find love or reconnect with a long lost relative. 

    A digital footprint is “one's unique set of digital activities, actions, and communications that leave a data trace on the internet” and “one’s overall impact, impression, or effect as manifested on the internet; online presence or visibility, as of a person or company” (Digital footprint: Definition & Meaning)
To truly understand my digital footprint, I a deep dive on Google of my names 'Madeline Berl' and 'Maddie Berl', and by no surprise countless links popped up. Most of them are from modeling, musical theater and TV/film work, along with my social media accounts. What was unexpected was my old YouTube videos of me singing in my basement. Luckily, there’s nothing on Google that I want taken down, but by searching my name a possible employer will discover the "old" Maddie, not the current Maddie. I have a strong social media and online presence, but nothing alarming or annoying. 

  We need to listen to our parents and teacher when they say “watch what you post”, “would your grandma approve of that picture”, “would you get hired with that picture on the internet”.  We should be asking ourselves all of these questions EVERY TIME we post on TikTok, Instagram or re-Tweet something stupid. If I had the opportunity to do some “editing” on Google, I would delete the old Youtube videos of me singing in my basement for a Disney channel audition, and to delete my first ever instagram account. These are things I’ve outgrown and won’t positively impact my digital footprint. 

    Can we accept this new culture? Well sadly, we have no choice because this IS our culture. I don’t have the power to change the terrible things on social media, but I can educate my friends, family and my future children about the dangers. We need to educate those who don’t understand the power it holds, we should have college lectures on what to post and what not to post, on how to market ourselves and take down things on Google. 

   The internet and technology is an ever changing world, with new advances everyday. With the beauty of technology comes consequences, but does the good weight out the bad? Everyone has a different experience, but regardless, I believe technology has changed our lives for the better, as long as we use it the right way. 


Saturday, December 10, 2022

Blog Post #10: The Age of AI is taking over our world.

The Age of AI is taking over our world.

According to John McCarthy’s definition of A.I in 2004 he states “It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable." ("What is Artificial Intelligence"

    I found this movie to be incredibly educational, eye opening yet scary. I have personally always been “scared” of A.I in the way that it has the power to take over the world, and this movie confirmed my fear. Our technology is so advanced and I will be forever grateful, however, the benefits or A.I overpower the negatives, which leads me to believe, one day A.I will take over the world. Who knows maybe I will live to see it, or maybe it is a century away.

    I learned that A.I has already been implemented into multiple aspects of our world. For example, A.I technology in the medical field, the fact that we are not using social media, social media is using us and sharp eye cameras are implemented across thousands of streets. In terms of A.I taking jobs away from humans, one interviewee stated “I believe about 50% of jobs will be somewhat or extremely threatened by A.I in the next 15 years or so” (0:41- 0:46). This has already been activated in our society, especially in the medical field, and the manufacturing field. 

    The biggest takeaway from the movie is A.I’s threat to democracy and the threat to human jobs. The threat to democracy refers to the fact that A.I is so advanced that it thinks faster, more creative and more innovative than humans ever will. The program is so advanced that we won’t even understand its functions. A.I is so smart that it will take away future jobs, be a threat to our economy and overall world relationship with technology. Another big takeaway was the world impact and world power A.I has. Countries like China, Japan and South Korea are consistently working on A.I’s development. A possibility is that countries will be competing over A.I technology advancements and patents. From the video, one interview stated “There will be a Chinese tech sector and there will be an American tech sector” (0:23-0:25). 

    The world domination of A.I could be a major threat to national security because once the A.I programs have top secret government information in the system, who knows what they will do with it. Even though technicians will be overseeing A.I’s functions, it’s still a major risk. 

    Something that surprised and frightened me was how much in depth data these machines collect from us. They have the ability to get access to everything on our phones, computers and house security cameras. This is frightening because we lose our privacy, lose control over what they can and can’t have access to, and in the end it’s frightening to know that technology is watching our every move.  


Friday, December 9, 2022

Blog Post #9: EOTO, The Top Secret Agreement: The Five Eyes

The Top Secret Agreement that’s been watching us since 1946. 

    Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance with 5 countries: The United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The alliance was first formed between the United States and the United Kingdom known as the UKUSA Agreement in 1946 in light of the aftermath of World War II. 

    Then in 1955 the UKUSA Agreement added Canada, Australia and New Zealand. “The Commonwealth countries were required to collaborate directly with tasks as determined by the [NSA]” (Five Eyes: Unblinking, Unmoving and out of control). “Each of the respective nations included with the Agreement have their own anti-domestic surveillance laws. It is alleged that each party to the Agreement spies on other parties’ citizens and the intelligence gleaned therein is shared amongst at least the collective” (Five Eyes: Unblinking, Unmoving and out of control). “Nearly all of the information available on Five Eyes was intended to be classified, but many documents were made public through a series of legal fights and massive whistleblowing” (Five Eyes: Unblinking, Unmoving and out of control). In short, the Five Eyes at the time, was a top-secret global agency in which they spied on other countries that threatened their own to protect the well-being of their citizens after WW2. 

    When we hear of a secret alliance we think of top secret information: the Five Eyes is exactly that but on the highest level. Every piece of information, operations, conversations and accomplishments was kept between 4 walls. Some presidents of the countries didn’t even know the organization existed. 

    ECHELON was a surveillance program that was created in the 1960’s and formally established in 1971 through the Five Eyes. ECHELON was the government's “code name” for the organization and NSA’s computer system. Its original purpose was to “monitor the military and diplomatic communications of the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc allies during the Cold War" (Q&A: What you need to know about Echelon

    However, that intensely progressed over the years. ECHELON collected data by FROSTING in which they intercepted Soviet satellite transmissions. Confirmed in 2001 by a European Parliament investigation they founded that “ECHELON was capable of interception and content inspection of telephone calls, fax, e-mail and other data traffic globally through the interception of communication bearers including satellite transmission, public switched telephone networks (which once carried most Internet traffic), and microwave links" (European 

Attached is a visual aid timeline of the Five Eyes 

    Some of the most notable accomplishments of the Five Eyes include, the strong relationship between the US and UK during the Cold War, specifically the US relied on British intelligence for listening posts in the Middle East and the Five Eyes provided Britain with intelligence for tracking Soviet submarines.

    Now let's talk about the elephant in the room: is the Five Eyes legal? Let's ask ourselves the questions: Does the Five Eyes Agreement violate any amendments? Yes, The Five Eyes violates both the 4th and 5th amendment. 

    The 4th amendment: The rights of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.

“Unless the Fourth Amendment has become a truism, like the Tenth Amendment, the Agreement must necessarily violate the prohibition against "unreasonable searches and seizures. To suggest that the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures by the United States government, but that the searches and seizures in question here are permissible simply because they were conducted on behalf of the United States government by other nations is unfathomable” (Five Eyes: Unblinking, Unmoving and out of control, 40-41, United States v. Darby). 

    The 5th amendment in simple terms: guarantees that an individual cannot be compelled by the government to provide incriminating information about himself or herself. For example, if the Five Eyes committee asks an American Citizen to provide confidential information that can incriminate someone or themselves they have the right to plead the fifth. The Five Eyes agreement does not protect the 5th amendment rights of its citizens. 

    From a legal standpoint, it’s clear that Five Eyes have been violating our 4th and 5th amendment rights since 1946. This negatively affects myself, family friends and loved ones, affects society's trust towards the American Government, and affects every classification segment of Americans. The worst part about the American participation in the Five Eyes is that we are using other countries like Canada and Australia to gather information about our citizens: The Five Eyes is a secret channel of breaking our 4th and 5th amendment rights. 

    For those of you who don’t know the name Edward Snowden, he’s the man who risked his life to share the horrifying truth of the NSA. When he leaked this information in 2013, he shed light on the Five Eyes, specifically the name ECHELON. Snowden’s revelation not only scared the world citizens and government officials, but his discovery led to further implications of user safety and a closer eye on how our government spies on us. 

     When this disgraceful information becomes apparent to American citizens, our government will blame it on Australia or Canada and say “they did it, we did nothing wrong, we would never violate your rights' '. I understand that there have been countless successes of the Five Eyes, however when it violates our trust and breaks the law, that's where it becomes an untrustworthy organization. Not only do their actions affect American society, it affects the entire world. If the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada are monitoring other countries like Germany, Japan and China, this is a global reach. Our world society will constantly be on edge wondering if their government is spying on them, they will not feel safe. The Five Eyes illegal activity doesn’t not affect me as much as it affected my family, specifically my great grandmother (born in the 1920’s), grandparents who lived through World War 2 & the Cold War and my parents who lived through the cold war. However, who knows what Five Eyes is doing today in 2022. I guess we will find out in a decade or two. 


Thursday, December 8, 2022

Blog Post #11: EOTO Reflection

    Lacy Waggoner did her presentation on Online Influencers. Online Influencers have become a major part of our everyday lives on social media, especially the Gen-Z generation. Since we live in our phones influencers constantly pop up on my feed through brand endorsements, makeup reviews, restaurant reviews and even everyday blogs.

    Lacy did a great job using real life examples of people that we know like Kim Kardashian and Charlie D'Amelio. She found a way to balance the pro's and con's of Online Influencers. Some positives benefits include “working from home”, and “getting paid for doing a hobby”. She also demonstrated that the cons of online influencers include: not a consistent job market, your life is public knowledge 24/7 and its an unrealistic lifestyle. The unrealistic lifestyles are portrayed to young kids which leads them to believe this is REAL life and in reality these are attainable goals. One of the biggest issues is there's a lack of the truth from Online Influencers, however, you can’t blame these influencers because they are getting paid to positively promote said brand.

    A new thing I learned from Lacy’s presentation was: “For some $50,000 per post un sponsored and $100,000 per post sponsored.” I knew that influencers got a lot of money from companies but I never thought it would be $100,000 for one post. These payments are especially prominent in influencers like the Kardashians, Selena Gomez and Dwayne Johnson. 30 Top Highest Paid Instagram Influencers in 2022

    Another realization was the typical classifications of online influencers, “attractive, straight, female, and young”. I never actually took the time to think about the typical influencer, but Lacy hit it right on the money because it’s apparent on my everyday feed. Online influencers directly impact my Gen-Z generation. Lacy made a great point that we as a society are more likely to buy products from an influencer due to the popularity and devout trust we have in their reviews. I personally don’t follow influencers religiously because I know it’s not all real. There are a few makeup influencers that I trust but someone like Charlie D'Amelio , I would never trust. I know people who religiously follow influencers, watch their everyday blogs and trust them with everything. I think this is a very toxic and independent relationship. 


Monday, December 5, 2022

Blog Post #7: The Automobile Invention seen through the Diffusion of innovations theory.

Automobile Invention seen through the Diffusion of innovations theory 

    Diffusion of innovations is a theory that explains why innovation is a success or a failure and how society helped pave the way. Everett Rogers, the theory’s founder, creates a timeline of technology’s success rate and spread while emphasizing that this all happens through a social system. The curve graph of the Diffusion of innovations is a visual aid to demonstrate how adopters impact the success of innovation and how it is adopted into a culture. 

Innovators/Pioneers: where the creation begins. The innovators and pioneers are the people who created the invention, and the followers were the first to try the product; they are the risk-takers. 

Early Adopters: are the people who “got it.” They are individuals or companies with the social and financial status to motivate and persuade investors to believe in their innovation. 

Early majority: the point at which a product will skyrocket and create a name for itself. The early majority is where mainstream media begins. 

Late majority: are the individuals or companies who are late to the trend. They are doubtful about the invention, skeptical about change, and typically do not have much social and economic status.  

Laggards: the quiet group of individuals who show no interest and refuse to adapt to change. 

The creation of automobiles is an excellent example of a successful invention, a product in the 5% curve graph. In 1886 the first automobile was invented by Carl Benz: a three-wheeled vehicle powered by stationary gasoline. Carl Benz was the pioneer who sparked the major innovation of Ford’s Model T in 1908. 

    The Model T was THE innovation that changed the mode of transport technology. A large population of early adopters was evident because owning the Model T suggested you had money and status, you were innovative with the times, and it was the most efficient way to travel. Within the first year of the Model T’s release, Ford sold 6,389 units. Henry Ford’s assembly line process was the second major invention that sparked worldwide innovation in countries like Italy and Germany. Between 1913 and 1927, the Model T was in peak sales, specifically 1923, when it hit the Early Majority phase. 

    Even though the Model T was a success, there was a high population of late adopters that ranged from Americans who could not afford the car to those who did not have the accessibility to purchase, store and or drive the car. Not only were there late adopters, but some people never adopted, known as the Laggards. For example, the Amish community has never adopted the automobile due to their personal and religious traditions. 

    Fast forward 100 years into the future, our automobiles are an unstoppable innovation with a social system and massive market capital. The evolution of the automobile has gone from a three-wheeled gasoline engine to a car with a radio, air conditioning, seatbelts, GPS navigation, and now fully electric cars. The critical mass of fully electric cars is a possibility for America, but we are still in the middle ground between early adopters and the early majority. 

    Some negative consequences of standard non-electric cars are high gas prices, the increase in heavy use of non-renewable fuels, and the emission of air and noise pollution. These factors have pushed Americans to purchase electric cars and for car companies to invent new electric models. There are countless sides to each argument regarding the positive outweighing the negatives of purchasing electric cars. You have the positives of saving money on gas and cutting down the carbon footprint compared to the negative aspects of higher initial cost, inaccessibility to charging stations, and expensive replacement parts. I am not ready to own a fully electric car at this point in my life; however, I believe in its power to change the world, and one day I will join the majority. 


    “A cost-benefit analysis is the process of comparing the projected or estimated costs and benefits (or opportunities) associated with a project decision to determine whether it makes sense from a business perspective” (Stobierski, "Cost Benefit Analysis" Article) When doing a cost-benefit analysis with new communication technology, it is vital to understand the long-term financial risk versus gain. New technology is risky; you need to consider the longevity and success rate of the product and how it will function on the stock market. You can use the Diffusion of innovations curve graph as a lens when creating the cost-benefit analysis. 

    Diffusion Theory has shown us that the creation of automobiles is in the 5%; it is one of the most successful and long-standing inventions in history that revolutionized how we move throughout our everyday lives.

Diffusion Graph Picture
Model T Picture 
Benz 1886 Picture
Car Timeline Picture
"Cost Benefit Analysis" Article
Wikipedia: Diffusion of innovations