Saturday, December 10, 2022

Blog Post #10: The Age of AI is taking over our world.

The Age of AI is taking over our world.

According to John McCarthy’s definition of A.I in 2004 he states “It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable." ("What is Artificial Intelligence"

    I found this movie to be incredibly educational, eye opening yet scary. I have personally always been “scared” of A.I in the way that it has the power to take over the world, and this movie confirmed my fear. Our technology is so advanced and I will be forever grateful, however, the benefits or A.I overpower the negatives, which leads me to believe, one day A.I will take over the world. Who knows maybe I will live to see it, or maybe it is a century away.

    I learned that A.I has already been implemented into multiple aspects of our world. For example, A.I technology in the medical field, the fact that we are not using social media, social media is using us and sharp eye cameras are implemented across thousands of streets. In terms of A.I taking jobs away from humans, one interviewee stated “I believe about 50% of jobs will be somewhat or extremely threatened by A.I in the next 15 years or so” (0:41- 0:46). This has already been activated in our society, especially in the medical field, and the manufacturing field. 

    The biggest takeaway from the movie is A.I’s threat to democracy and the threat to human jobs. The threat to democracy refers to the fact that A.I is so advanced that it thinks faster, more creative and more innovative than humans ever will. The program is so advanced that we won’t even understand its functions. A.I is so smart that it will take away future jobs, be a threat to our economy and overall world relationship with technology. Another big takeaway was the world impact and world power A.I has. Countries like China, Japan and South Korea are consistently working on A.I’s development. A possibility is that countries will be competing over A.I technology advancements and patents. From the video, one interview stated “There will be a Chinese tech sector and there will be an American tech sector” (0:23-0:25). 

    The world domination of A.I could be a major threat to national security because once the A.I programs have top secret government information in the system, who knows what they will do with it. Even though technicians will be overseeing A.I’s functions, it’s still a major risk. 

    Something that surprised and frightened me was how much in depth data these machines collect from us. They have the ability to get access to everything on our phones, computers and house security cameras. This is frightening because we lose our privacy, lose control over what they can and can’t have access to, and in the end it’s frightening to know that technology is watching our every move.  


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