Thursday, December 15, 2022

Blog Post #8: Invasion of Privacy

Invasion Of Privacy 

    Facebook’s Invasion of Privacy as Biaz Model demonstrates how companies “steal” our information to make a profit. In the contract of adhesion, which is the contract you scroll past when you download an app, says they have the right to take any information as their own. “This contract can be changed at any time without notice”, “all information and materials you post will belong to facebook”, “facebook has the right to use your photos however they want”.  I myself am guilty of reading over the fine print, however this is the first step in protecting ourselves from invasion of privacy. All we have to do is take 1 minute to read before we download. 

    Juan Enriquez's’ TED talk “Your online life, permanent as a tattoo” goes into the detail of how we are all careless with technology and it comes with consequences: these consequences are known as electronic tattoo’s. With this advanced technological era we live in, it’s really hard to hide from our electronic tattoos which are rooted in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Gmail, even tax statement apps. Juan made an enlightening yet horrifying statement: “These tattoos will live far longer than our bodies will.” (3:08-3:120) This is a scary reality that once we post there is no going back. So to protect ourselves from this invasion of privacy, we should think long and hard before we post.  

The electronic tattoo affects me and my brother the most in comparison to my parents as we have a longer and more dense electronic footprint. It affects me when I'm applying for a job or applying to a school because everyone has access to my data. I am guilty of sharing my email too much on websites, we are all guilty of having a dense electronic footprint. Juan did a fantastic job of demonstrating that we don’t even realize the impact of our digital footprint. We have become too comfortable with the internet. 

    In Catherine Crump’s TED Talk “The small & surprisingly dangerous detail the police track about you”, she describes the NSA and Police’s work in invading our privacy through surveillance cameras on the streets. With our advanced technology the NSA can track everywhere we go, from school to our therapists even to our church. You would hope that the government would put an end to this, as this is breaking every privacy law, however the government is the one who's running it. In a situation like this, I don’t think there is anything we can do to protect ourselves. There are tracking devices in every piece of technology we own. I don’t know how to get “off the grid” from the powers of the NSA. This issue affects everyone I know, everyone I love.  


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