Thursday, December 15, 2022

Final Blog Post: How Technology has shaped our lives

 How technology has shaped our lives 

    Technology is one of the most fascinating, ever changing and dependent aspects of our lives. Technology first started as a typewriter, then the first television, to the first computer: minimal and foreign creations. In today’s world however, our entire lives revolve around technology with our advanced computers, robots who perform surgeries, to talking activated speakers. Technology is constantly changing and we are changing with it. 
    Incredible technology comes with consequences: mainly from the misuse of technology by the users, not by the technology itself. This is also known as cyberbullying which has killed thousands worldwide. “Between 2000 and 2007, the suicide rate among youth ages 10 to 24 hovered around 6.8 deaths per 100,000 people. Then, the rate curved upward, reaching a rate of 10.6 deaths per 100,000 by 2017 — a 56-percent increase in less than two decades.” (Youth Suicide rates are on the rise in the U.S  Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, never thought that his platform would lead to young suicide deaths, he just wanted to find a way for college students to connect. Technology has taken over our world in numerous good and bad ways. Now let’s get into the human relationship with technology. 

    My personal relationship with technology has changed drastically over the years, to my first blackberry flip phone, to my current technological state: iPhone, Apple computer, Remarkable notebook, AirPods, Apple Watch and much more. I love my phone but realize at times that I spend too much time on TikTok or Snapchat instead of living in the moment with my friends, family and nature. 

    It can be quite difficult to distance yourself from technology when your “whole life” is on your phone. This is the unhealthy side of technology: young kids being so addicted to their screens that they are missing out on life’s best moments, caught up in social media drama all resulting in medical problems like bad eyesight and headaches. However, I am old enough to realize that I need to break these unhealthy habits, I know the warning sides and the dangers. 
    In terms of social media informing versus misleading, once again it goes both ways: sometimes I learn a lot while scrolling and then other times I’m confused on what’s real versus fake news. Twitter is one of the most misleading yet informing platforms as there is a mix of real versus fake reporters: sometimes it’s hard to tell who's telling the truth. I’ve heard fake news stories about celebrities, to fake news about political leaders, Presidents and even the Pope: News: Separating Truth from Fiction

    I always like to fact check my sources before believing a breaking news story however, sometimes I get caught up in fake news. Being gullible to fake news and misleading is especially apparent in young teens and adults who are just starting to understand how technology and news works. We are vulnerable on the internet, technology takes advantage of us. I don’t even want to think about what my kids' technology world will look like. Social media is a powerful source, and we should be worried. 

Amongst the terror of social media comes the brilliant connections, small business growth and reconnection with long lost family or friends. Social media’s connections are endless: you can meet new people, find new jobs, market yourself and your business and even find love or reconnect with a long lost relative. 

    A digital footprint is “one's unique set of digital activities, actions, and communications that leave a data trace on the internet” and “one’s overall impact, impression, or effect as manifested on the internet; online presence or visibility, as of a person or company” (Digital footprint: Definition & Meaning)
To truly understand my digital footprint, I a deep dive on Google of my names 'Madeline Berl' and 'Maddie Berl', and by no surprise countless links popped up. Most of them are from modeling, musical theater and TV/film work, along with my social media accounts. What was unexpected was my old YouTube videos of me singing in my basement. Luckily, there’s nothing on Google that I want taken down, but by searching my name a possible employer will discover the "old" Maddie, not the current Maddie. I have a strong social media and online presence, but nothing alarming or annoying. 

  We need to listen to our parents and teacher when they say “watch what you post”, “would your grandma approve of that picture”, “would you get hired with that picture on the internet”.  We should be asking ourselves all of these questions EVERY TIME we post on TikTok, Instagram or re-Tweet something stupid. If I had the opportunity to do some “editing” on Google, I would delete the old Youtube videos of me singing in my basement for a Disney channel audition, and to delete my first ever instagram account. These are things I’ve outgrown and won’t positively impact my digital footprint. 

    Can we accept this new culture? Well sadly, we have no choice because this IS our culture. I don’t have the power to change the terrible things on social media, but I can educate my friends, family and my future children about the dangers. We need to educate those who don’t understand the power it holds, we should have college lectures on what to post and what not to post, on how to market ourselves and take down things on Google. 

   The internet and technology is an ever changing world, with new advances everyday. With the beauty of technology comes consequences, but does the good weight out the bad? Everyone has a different experience, but regardless, I believe technology has changed our lives for the better, as long as we use it the right way. 


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