Thursday, December 8, 2022

Blog Post #11: EOTO Reflection

    Lacy Waggoner did her presentation on Online Influencers. Online Influencers have become a major part of our everyday lives on social media, especially the Gen-Z generation. Since we live in our phones influencers constantly pop up on my feed through brand endorsements, makeup reviews, restaurant reviews and even everyday blogs.

    Lacy did a great job using real life examples of people that we know like Kim Kardashian and Charlie D'Amelio. She found a way to balance the pro's and con's of Online Influencers. Some positives benefits include “working from home”, and “getting paid for doing a hobby”. She also demonstrated that the cons of online influencers include: not a consistent job market, your life is public knowledge 24/7 and its an unrealistic lifestyle. The unrealistic lifestyles are portrayed to young kids which leads them to believe this is REAL life and in reality these are attainable goals. One of the biggest issues is there's a lack of the truth from Online Influencers, however, you can’t blame these influencers because they are getting paid to positively promote said brand.

    A new thing I learned from Lacy’s presentation was: “For some $50,000 per post un sponsored and $100,000 per post sponsored.” I knew that influencers got a lot of money from companies but I never thought it would be $100,000 for one post. These payments are especially prominent in influencers like the Kardashians, Selena Gomez and Dwayne Johnson. 30 Top Highest Paid Instagram Influencers in 2022

    Another realization was the typical classifications of online influencers, “attractive, straight, female, and young”. I never actually took the time to think about the typical influencer, but Lacy hit it right on the money because it’s apparent on my everyday feed. Online influencers directly impact my Gen-Z generation. Lacy made a great point that we as a society are more likely to buy products from an influencer due to the popularity and devout trust we have in their reviews. I personally don’t follow influencers religiously because I know it’s not all real. There are a few makeup influencers that I trust but someone like Charlie D'Amelio , I would never trust. I know people who religiously follow influencers, watch their everyday blogs and trust them with everything. I think this is a very toxic and independent relationship. 


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