Thursday, November 17, 2022

Blog Post 6: Search Engines & Google: EOTC Reflection

Search Engines & Google: EOTC Reflection 

Caleb Levanthal researched Search Engines and Google. From the start of the invention of the internet, one of the biggest problems was losing files in the cloud and trouble tracking them. This was one of Caleb’s opening comments that got my attention because I can only imagine what the internet was like before the organizational aspects that organized our files like search engines: it was a disaster. I connected my Bluetooth presentation with Caleb’s research on Google because our inventions were problem-solving inventions on the internet that involved speed and efficiency in transferring files. 

   Something new I learned was Backlinks: which are a link from another website to that specific web resource. This process allows companies to integrate Google searches into company website links. Not only was this beneficial but it led to a proficient system of filtering spam links. Backlinks made Google an even more profitable and desirable company to invest in. Google started to take over the digital world, and that phenomena has only grown since. 

   The biggest takeaway was when Caleb talked about “Digital Amnesia.” He made a great point that since we can look anything up on Google, we as a society forget everything we have learned. It affects our short and long-term memory and especially our education. When we forget something, our phones remember it for us. I am certainly guilty of this because my phone is on me 24/7 in which I can look anything up at any time. It has affected my memory and education because instead of looking something up in a book or trying to remember, my immediate reaction is to grab my phone and Google it. Especially with the addition of voice to text, we do not even type anything on our phones. Similar to my research on Bluetooth, everyone wants a quick hands-free world, and Google gives us that platform.


"Caleb Levanthal In Class Presentation"

Caleb Levanthal Blog Post 

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