Thursday, November 10, 2022

Blog Post 4: "Bluetooth: Seamless Communication"

Bluetooth is the technology that makes our electronic world run seamlessly. The Bluetooth radio technology was developed by the Swedish multinational telecom vendor L. M. Ericsson in 1994. “Classic Bluetooth… was intended to transmit data wirelessly between computer devices” (Zeadally et al. 1). It was also created as the wireless alternative to the RS-232 data cable. The RS-232 data cable is the standard for communication between data terminal equipment and data circuit terminating equipment. There was a lack of flow in the transfer of data: things would get lost in translation, and time was a significant factor: the creation of Bluetooth sped up the flow of information and created mass efficiency; Bluetooth was the problem-solving invention. 

    In 1998 the Bluetooth Special Interest group was founded, also known as Bluetooth SIG. Bluetooth SIG was initially formed to create “an open specification for wireless technologies of short range” (Zeadally et al. 1). The original technology providers that started SIG include IBM, Nokia, Intel, Ericsson, and Toshiba. Twenty-four years later, they continue to oversee all Bluetooth. 25 Years of Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth has rapidly developed over the years due to constant security threats and the ever-changing world of technology and software. According to the timeline, Bluetooth has adapted through seven versions since 2004. Bluetooth's purpose today “is to connect gadgets without a cable”. Inside the device is a chip which creates the wireless communication with a Bluetooth module into any other device.

    We might not even realize how infiltrated Bluetooth is in our everyday lives, here are just a few examples of Bluetooth technology: Computer keyboards and mouses, Personal digital assistants like Alexa, Wireless headphones, Smart fridges, Hearing aids, Cars, and even contact tracing applications in healthcare. 

Over the past few years, our world has become a face paced society. Everyone is in a rush: no time for human interaction, and everyone wants things to be hands-free and easy. Bluetooth has made the hands-free lifestyle an everyday reality. With Bluetooth, we can send hands-free text messages while driving, ask Alexa to add items to shopping lists, allow us to mirror our phones onto a TV, and much more. Bluetooth has not only bettered the communication world, but it has become its own form of communication. Bluetooth increases productivity, allows for mobility, fosters wireless workflow, and makes communication seamless. 

    Before the peak of the digital age, I can only imagine how many hoops one would have to jump through to print off a work proposal, make a phone call or send an email. There were so many physical cables, wires, and slow transfer of data before Bluetooth. The invention of Bluetooth solved the problem of freeing up physical space in the workplace and has created speedy efficiency in communication. One of the most significant and recent advancements in Bluetooth is its integration with the Healthcare system. Doctors can now track patients’ vitals when they aren’t in the room. There are wireless fitness bands like an apple watch and Fitbit that track heart rate and blood oxygen levels and can even detect a fall. Bluetooth technology is also in hearing aids, contact tracing equipment and bluetooth enabled pacemakers. Bluetooth in 2022 is saving lives and making healthcare a seamless, paperless form of communication.     

    Even though Bluetooth makes our everyday lives faster and more convenient, there is the constant threat of internet hackers. There are three types of Bluetooth hacker attacks: bluejacking, bluesnarfing, and bluebugging. “Any device with its bluetooth connection turned on and set to “discoverable” may be susceptible to Bluejacking, and possibly to Bluesnarfing if there is vulnerability in the software” (Pandey Khare, 5). "Bluetooth Hacking and its Prevention"  As someone who always has her Bluetooth on, this is a consequential negative perspective on Bluetooth and security protection. We as a society need to be more aware of hackers and educate ourselves on the prevention protocols. 

In short, Bluetooth has revolutionized the communication world; it’s a part of our everyday lives. It has created mobility, efficiency, and productivity in businesses, healthcare, and daily communication world. Bluetooth is communication.


"25 Years of Bluetooth Technology""A Bluetooth-Based Architecture for Contact Tracing in Healthcare Facilities""The Impact of Bluetooth on the Society"
"Bluetooth Hacking and its Prevention"
Bluetooth Timeline Picture 
Bluetooth Picture 2
Bluetooth Picture 3

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