Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Blog Post #2 The Supreme Court of the United States: The Truth Behind The Quiet Chambers

    The United States Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial body on earth. The Supreme Court, created in 1789, holds nine justices that serve their lifetime. I’ve always been fascinated and educated on our American Government; however, these videos taught me the truth behind the quiet chambers of the supreme court. 

    Before watching this video, I did not know the beginning history of the Supreme Court: how it was created, its role, etc. While watching the video, I found it very interesting that the Supreme Court wasn't always respected, especially in 1801. One of the most significant judicial powers is striking down an act of congress as unconstitutional. At the time, this was a very powerful and “bold” move on their part. I can understand how the people and government were taken aback by the motion. However, this action is one of the most crucial to the role of the Supreme Court. 

    The supreme court is the highest power on earth and is first and foremost for the people. However, contrary to some opinions, it’s not a dictatorship; it’s a collective group of nine unbiased people. The court is rooted in not only upholding the laws of our constitution but upholding the trust of the American people. The trust of the American people is the essential takeaway point. 

    I was surprised to learn about the lengthy process of opinion writing process. The video stated, “A justice may redraft a dozen or more times in the effort to persuade the others to join the opinion” (6:48). I’m not surprised by the amount of physical time it takes because these decisions are crucial to the fate of our country, whereas I’m surprised that it takes so many re-writes and edits to reach their preferred liking of the proposal. With this new knowledge, I can now grasp the time commitment and respect our country should have for these justices. 

    A quote from Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist was enlightening and comforting to hear as an American. He stated during the conference process, “To have a system where everybody spoke once before anyone spoke twice” (12:57). This shows that not one justice is overpowering: it creates an environment where everyone's opinion is heard and respected. Sometimes I feel that our government has become too powerful, especially the president, senate, and house. However, understanding that the Supreme Court is doing everything in its power to be fair and just and uphold the law is comforting. 


Video Part 1 link

Video Part 2 link

"Center for Reproductive Rights Litigation Director Julie Rikelman speaking to the Supreme Court in December 2021" Picture

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