Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Blog Post #1: Five news sources that have never failed me

When breaking news stories occur worldwide, young people struggle to find the truth: there’s too much fake news. In this social media-obsessed world we live in, finding credible news sources feels impossible. Here are my five news sources that have never failed me. 

NPR, the National Public Radio, has been my go-to news station, specifically their podcasts, on long car drives from NJ to NY for college breaks. I listen to NPR to be up to date on the most important current events. A few of my favorite/influential podcasts include Supreme Court Overturns Roe V. Wade The Friday Show, Oct. 15, 2021 which discusses FDA recommendation on Covid-19 booster shots and Making the Work Place More Equitable For Trans PeopleI would recommend NPR because it’s an on the go news source it has a wide range of topics: Government, Art, Society & Culture, to name a few. 

Google News has become the newest addition to my credible news sources. My grandpa, a huge political buff, showed me Google News when I asked him for factual information during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Google News is unique because it has customization options, links to news categories, and the most trending news stories on the home page. Google News is the perfect website, centralized in one organizational location. I recommend using Google News to keep up to date with the times. 

Twitter is one of the most commonly used social media platforms worldwide. Not only is it a place for people to rant and create memes, but Twitter is a platform for international journalists to share their stories. In many countries, freedom of the press is illegal, so Twitter gives these journalists a platform where they are doing good work for the people of their country. Borzou Daragahi is one of the leading journalists reporting live about the feminist movement in Iran when no local press is. As an American who can be unaware of worldwide issues, I urge you to use Twitter to be culturally up-to-date and with the times. Twitter is the only social media platform that has intellectuals on it. 

Shockingly enough, I get a lot of current event information from TikTok. Since I spend time endlessly scrolling, I find so many influencers, journalists, and “average” humans sharing real-world events that some popular news sources are too scared to share. For example, one story that caught my eye was the disappearance of Elnaz Rekabi, an Iranian climber who competed with a hijab:"Can we make noise for Elnaz?"After watching the video, I immediately looked up this story on Google News and found more details. I use TikTok as a jumping-off point to discover current events. I recommend TikTok because we need to her these untold stories. 

My last news source is 13 WHAM ABC: Rochester News. I was born and raised in Rochester, NY, so the first thing I’d see in the morning is 13 WHAM on the TV. 13 WHAM is a credible and reliable source because they always inform Rochester natives within hours of when events occur. They interview many bystanders at the scenes of crimes; this gives a unique and personal connection to the news. 13 WHAM is an independent news source, free of influence by government or corporate interest news platforms. I would recommend 13 WHAM and any local news station because it’s a nice “break” from the politically driven news stations. 


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