Monday, November 6, 2023

Stress Relief 101 - 10 Go To Tips and tricks to relieve stres as a college student

Stress Relief 101 - Go To Tips and Tricks to relieve stress as a college student

Are you a stressed college student? Do you struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle in a busy world? If you said yes to any of these, this blog is for you. As a current college student, I understand all of the stress, anxiety, and depression that can occur. But the most challenging part is figuring out how to overcome it. That's why I've created a list of my top ten go-to practices, tricks, and habits to relieve my stress in college. Some may work for you, and some may not; it can't hurt to try them out. 

1. Sleep, sleep, sleep! 

    When I have a restless night, I know the next morning is going to be a stressful one. Our bodies depend on sleep, especially with busy school and social schedules. I’ve always had trouble sleeping, and then my mom introduced me to a weighted blanket.YnM-Weighted-Blanket. It instantly puts me out, and I’ve gotten all of my friends hooked. If a weighted blanket is too much for you, try a weighted eye mask!! Nodpod Sleep Mask. You’ll look just like breakfast at Tiffany, and you’ll be ready to conquer the day.  

2. Self-care for self-love


2. Love yourself

    After a long weekend, the last thing I want to do is put on a face mask, take a long hot shower, and clean my room. But every time I do those things, a weight gets lifted off my shoulders. Sometimes, the most minor tasks can be the hardest to accomplish but are the easiest. Sundays are my Sunday resets; I try to do at least one nice thing for myself, like a face mask or gua sha, and drink tons of water. Taking 5 to 10 minutes off your Sunday to tidy up your dorm room is a simple fix. Gua Sha for Beginners 

3. Balanced Diet


3. Balanced Diet

    As much as I love a late-night snack on Friday nights, I regret the bowl of pasta. I won’t lie; I do it on occasion, and it’s healthy to eat what you crave (sometimes), but I find it’s essential to have a balanced and realistic college diet. I’m not saying go on a no-carb diet, but have a salad here and there, and get in your high protein with protein shakes. If you start implementing healthier options in your diet, you will feel less stressed because your body is nourished, your skin won’t break out, and you probably will sleep better without all the greasy food. Bloom Nutrition Greens 

4. Workout warrior 

    Working out is one of the most frustrating and rewarding tasks, and it can feel impossible to keep up at times. But working out doesn’t mean running a 5k and deadlifting 150 pounds; it means going on a hot girl walk with your Stanley. Hop on a peloton bike and jam to some music. Once again, it doesn’t have to be a big deal; the little things go a long way. Peloton-student discount

5. Meditation 

    I’ve always been opposed to meditation as I think it’s boring and ineffective. However, a wise doctor told me to try and sit still for 5 minutes with no movements and no thoughts… impossible, right?? I knew I couldn’t do it alone, so I found Headspace. I use it when I’m having an anxiety attack when I’m restless in bed, or just when I need a break from the world. Meditation is not for everyone, but I dare you to try it out.

6. Tunes 

    If I’m stressed, anxious, happy, sad, or getting ready to go out, I am always listening to music- music is my sanctuary. There are many different music platforms, like Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud, and YouTube, so listen to whatever floats your boat. I’m constantly sharing and getting playlists from my friends that help me in my time of need. Music calms the soul and brings you back to a state where you can concentrate or escape a funk. It’s not a permanent solution, but it eases the pain.

7. Pen & paper 

    This one is a hit or miss for most, but it helps me when I’m in a funk and can’t get out: Journaling. When I can’t speak about my problems and I’m stuck, I go to pen and paper and jot down all my anxious feelings. Whether a fight with a friend or a to-do list, it helps me physically see what I need to do next. Do It For Yourself (Guided Journal)

8. Squishmallows 

    Even though I am a fully grown college student, I still have my stuffed animals and squishmallows. There’s no better way to describe it than a cuddle buddy. When I miss my family or loved ones, when I’m anxious, I can always turn to my stuffed animals because they comfort me. So find a beloved childhood item or borrow your friends and give it a good squeeze. I promise your heart rate will go down. Squishmallows 16''

9. DIY Massage 

9. DIY Massage   

    Don’t we all wish we had the money to get a professional massage? I know I do, so I found a solution. It’s a throwback to kindergarten, but those scalp-scratching devices have been my saving grace, especially during finals week (a.k.a. migraine season). Take 5 minutes before bed or before a big test and massage your head. I promise you your whole body, mind, and being will chill out. USAGA Head Massager Scalp  

10. Vitamins 

    My mom was the definition of a vitamin mom, and needless to say, I’m becoming one too. No matter how healthy we eat or are, we need vitamins. When you are feeling a sickness coming on, stressed, or just not feeling yourself, it usually means something internal is going on. So this is your reminder: “Did you take your vitamins, sweetie?”

I know this won’t solve all your problems but it will ease the pain for a moment or two. I’m not saying if you do this it will cure all the world’s problems, but it will make your day a little easier. Be brave and try out a few of my go-to stress relieving tips and tricks. You’ll thank me later. Things will happen and life is stressful so when shit hits the fan try one of these stress relievers. 

Stress Relief, Self Care, College